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Landasan Pacu Bandara di Manila Ditutup Sementara, GFRIEND Tunda Konser - 20/08/2018, 10:42 WIB
Ati Kamil


MANILA, -- Para member dari girlband K-pop GFRIEND dan staf mereka menjadi sebagian penumpang yang terkena dampak penutupan sementara landasan pacu Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Manila, Filipina.  

Sebuah pesawat Xiamen Airlines pada Jumat (17/8/2018) pagi waktu setempat tergelincir keluar dari landasan pacu bandar udara (bandara) tersebut karena cuaca buruk.

Landasan pacu bandara itu kemudian ditutup sementara. Banyak penerbangan dibatalkan atau ditunda karenanya.

Baca juga: Alami Kecelakan, GFriend Batal Tampil di Konser

GFRIEND ketika itu sebenarnya sudah dijadwalkan untuk tiba di Manila menjelang konser mereka, Season of GFRIEND, yang sedianya akan digelar pada Minggu (19/8/2018) waktu setempat.

Namun, karena kondisi tersebut, pesawat mereka batal terbang. Jadwal konser mereka itu pun ditunda dari 19 Agustus 2018 ke 26 Agustus 2018.

Mereka mengumumkan hal tersebut melalui sebuah pernyataan tertulis, termasuk melalui media sosial:

Baca juga: Kala GFriend Bawakan Lagu Milik BTS dan EXO di Music Bank in Jakarta

(Notice) Season of GFRIEND in Manila
To all our buddies in the Philippines,

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the postponement of the 2018 GFRIEND FIRST CONCERT ’Season of GFRIEND’ in Manila from August 19 to August 26.

As you have probably heard, all flights to and from the Manila Ninoy Aquino International Airport have been cancelled or delayed due to the recent accident.

One of those flights happened to be the one GFriend and our crew was taking to get to the 2018 GFRIEND FIRST CONCERT ’Season of GFRIEND’ in Manila.

While we were absolutely thrilled to meet all our fans in the Philippines this weekend, it appears that we will have to reschedule as we will not be able to make it to Manila in time.

Information about the rescheduled show, as well as the refund policy for those who may not be able to make it on the new date, will be announced shortly via MyMusicTaste’s Facebook.

Thank you for all your support and understanding, and we can’t wait to see all of you on August 26.

Baca juga: Yuju GFRIEND Dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Saat Jumpa Penggemar

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