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Anggun dan Agnez Mo Tegaskan Tak Pernah Bersaing

"I don’t understand why people see us as competitors. I deeply respect Agnez, she’s super talented & I wish her the best, always," tulis Anggun dalam akun Twitter-nya, @Anggun_Cipta, seperti dikutip, Jumat (19/1/2018).

Ibu satu anak ini juga meminta warganet berhenti mencari-cari celah, menghubung-hubungkan, maupun membandingkan Anggun dan Agnez dalam hal apa pun. Hal itu bisa menimbulkan dugaan bahwa mereka sedang berkompetisi.

"Stop building up fake wars. We are not athletes competing for the Olympic games. We are artists and we are here to entertain and to share love," tulis Anggun.

"Absolutely. I respect you and your artistry too. We’ve always supported each other (but we dont need to show it off on social media, guys!)," tulis akun Twitter @agnezmo.

"We have totally different genres, but we both have huge love for music. We love what we do. Seriously, this fake war nonsense gotta stop," tambahnya.

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