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Cameron Diaz: I Love Porn - 25/02/2011, 12:34 WIB - Upfront actress Cameron Diaz has boldly declared she 'loves porn' - as she proves she is schooled in the art of seduction herself in her upcoming film, Bad Teacher.

In a new trailer for the upcoming comedy, which she describes as 'filthy', the star is seen flashing her incredible figure in tight Daisy Duke denim shorts as she gets lathered up in soap suds at a car wash.

But the 38-year-old has revealed she may just have had a bit of help in preparing for the role in an unusual interview on the Jimmy Kimmel show last night. When asked if she liked watching adult films, she boldly said: 'I love porn!'

She then followed up her outspoken comment with: 'You know what I love about hotels? How discreet they are. They always give you that little thing at the bottom - "Your room will be charged the same as any other room. Titles will be used".'

For her appearance on the show, Diaz was dressed like she was going to be a part of a circus. Her black trousers, braces and white vest top - which showed her black bra underneath - looked more suited to an acrobat than a movie star.

The Charlie's Angel's star also showed off her very toned arm muscles, which have drawn comparisons with Madonna's sculpted physique in recent weeks. The trailer for her latest movie shows her pictured smoking marijuana in a scene from the film in which she plays a raunchy educator looking for a man to take care of her.

Diaz also pairs up with her former boyfriend Justin Timberlake who plays another member of staff in the film due to be released in June this year. The actress described the flick as 'filthy' but 'fun' and said she had given her seal of approval to Timberlake's role.

'We wanted Justin because he's such a brilliant comedian. He's so funny. He's very, very talented,' she said.

'And Jason Segel is the heart of the film, which is weird. It's sort of a love triangle between the three of us.'

But despite Diaz's muscular appearance, the actress revealed she was mocked for being skinny in school.

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