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Bawakan Karya Jonghyun, Jungkook BTS Jadi Trending Topic Dunia - 17/01/2018, 09:46 WIB - Hashtag atau tagar (tanda pagar) #WeLoveYouJungkook tiba-tiba menjadi trending topic dunia di Twitter, Rabu (17/1/2018).

Lebih dari 500.000 tweet menggunakan tagar tersebut untuk menyatakan rasa sayang dan dukungan kepada Jungkook BTS.

Dengan tagar #WeLoveYouJungkook, para fans memberi dukungan kepada member berjuluk "Golden Maknae" tersebut.

"For the haters why are you guys, jk oppa you the best, i love you more than anything .. I really enjoy your beautiful voice, I will still support you no matter what happened.did't listen to the comments out there, just focus on Bangtan and Army #WeLoveYouJungkook," tulis akun @Sispi15_chim2.

"The cutest baby boy #WeLoveYouJungkook," kata @peachjhz.

"#WeLoveYouJungkook I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY ANGEL," tulis akun @taegiworldwid.

Tidak diketahui pasti penyebab para ARMY, sebutan untuk fans BTS, meramaikan tagar tersebut. Namun bisa jadi ini karena member termuda BTS itu menyanyikan lagu karya mendiang Jonghyun, "Breathe".

Berdasarkan tweet sejumlah ARMY, ada orang-orang yang memprotes Jungkook dan menudingnya memanfaatkan karya Jonghyun untuk mendapat perhatian.

"He just covered a song, which is Lee Hi's Breathe and was composed by Jonghyun before. So who are you to say that he's using Jonghyun to get attention and fame? Who are you to use Jonghyun's death to hate someone? You guys are the most disgusting people. #WeLoveYouJungkook," kata pemilik akun @justoneday_rm.

"Jungkook, you mean the world to me and the rest of ARMYS and BTS, we'd take bullets for you over and over again. Don't let these dumb comments get to you, you have millions of ARMY defending you. There's not ARMY without BTS #WeLoveYouJungkook," tulis @jjfava223.

"How can u hate this baby? #WeLoveYouJungKook," kata @danica_pjm.

"???, We'll be your shield that would always protect you in all the ways we can, no matter what happens, we won't let that smile upon your face fade because of the negativity people would throw you. #WeLoveYouJungKook," tulis @btsphunionjk.

Jungkook menyanyikan lagu melankolis itu secara akapela lalu mengunggahnya di akun Twitter BTS, @BTS_twt, tengah malam tadi.

Hingga berita ini diturunkan, post Jungkook tersebut sudah di-retweet 288.000 kali dan mendapat like lebih dari 500.000.

Baca juga : Untuk Jungkook BTS, ARMY Antar #JKDAY Jadi Trending Topic Dunia

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